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Environmental Protection Agency SourceDK Overview  

SourceDK is a decision support tool for developing a screening-level model to estimate groundwater remediation timeframes and associated uncertainties at sites where groundwater is contaminated by a source in the unsaturated zone. This software is programmed in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and provides a graphic output of cleanup time based on the sampling results. SourcDK interfaces with MAROS and BIOSCREEN.


SourceDK Home Site
  • Analytical Modeling (Tier 1)
  • Remedial Process Selection
  • Input
  • Tabular File: *.xls
  • Graphical File: NA
  • Output
    • Tabular File: NA
    • Graphical File:NA
    • Print Report: No
    • Chlorinated Solvents
    • SVOCs
    • Pesticides/PCBs
    • Petroleum
    • Groundwater
    Technical Team Members
    • Hydrogeologist
    • General technical staff familiar with chemical fate and transport
    SourceDK - data loading
    • SourceDK is downloaded as a zip file that includes SourceDK help file, pdf file of users manual, and main SourceDK Excel file.
    • SourceDK requires user to change the level of macro security (in Microsoft Excel) to enable macros in the file.
    • Manual data entry is the easiest method to load data to SourceDK.
    • Importing data from a Microsoft Excel file is possible, but the process is not explained in the users guide. The user must open the source data file in a separate Excel window and copy cells, then paste the data into SourceDK by right-clicking on a cell in the data window.
    • Because SourceDK is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, it is easy to download and does not require additional data field naming.
    SourceDK - graphic loading
    • Not applicable.
    SourceDK - logical flow
    • The program contains a logical flow pattern that a novice can use to create an output graph and estimated remediation timeframe in Tier 1.
    • Data and detection limits can be entered in either micrograms per liter (µg/L) or milligrams per liter (mg/L), but the output graph labels the axis with units of mg/L. Therefore, the user should stay with units of mg/L to avoid misrepresenting the output data.
    SourceDK - expert knowledge
    • The program requires expert knowledge of hydrogeology to calculate the Darcy velocity and other input data.
    • Tier 1 data results are simple to understand.
    SourceDK - functionality
    • Interfaces with MAROS and BIOSCREEN.
    • When entering data, zero is not accepted as a number.
    • During data input, spreadsheet would automatically "write protect" so that user would have to reset protection to continue data entry.
    • Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is set up in a manner that is not always convenient to work with. For instance, tabbing over takes user to the next cell, not to the next data entry item. If user enters an incorrect character, the user must clear the entire cell and start over.
    • Tier 2 is not linked to information in Tier 1.
    • One cell in Section 6 of Tier 2 (Field Data for Comparison) is formatted to round up the number; this formatting could not be changed.
    SourceDK - technical application
    • According to the users manual, SourceDK is not designed to simulate the effects of chemical diffusion.
    • According to the users manual, in Tier 2, SourceDK assumes that all the biodegradation takes place in the dissolved phase and acts only on dissolved constituents.
    SourceDK - documentation
    • Help guide and users manual are comprehensive and give clear directions on how to use the system.
    • The users manual clearly outlines the uses and limitations of this tool.
    SourceDK - output
    • Saves information so that the user may come back to the system and finish.
    • Does not produce a report.
    • Data cannot be exported into another format, although a "sample history" or listing of sampling can be printed.
    SourceDK - sources
    • Version 1.0 downloaded November 1, 2004.
    Note that this DST matrix is under active construction. Comments and suggestions about the structure
    or content of this website should be sent to Mike Adam .
    This web site contains technology information from private contractors and government agencies and is for informational purposes only. EPA cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favor of the United States Government.