Simulation Optimization
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Simulation optimization is the use of mathematical optimization techniques coupled with groundwater simulation models to determine optimal pumping locations and rates for plume containment and/or cleanup. There are two major categories, hydraulic optimization (based on groundwater flow models such as MODFLOW) and transport optimization (based on contaminant transport models such as MT3D).
Improving Pumping Strategies for Pump and Treat Systems with Numerical Simulation-Optimization Techniques: Demonstration Projects and Related Websites
This fact sheet describes simulation-optimization techniques, completed demonstration projects, and lists web sites with additional information.
EPA 542-F-04-002
Download (62KB/2pp/PDF)
The following categories are listed:
- Hydraulic Optimization — Includes general information, information on specific codes/methods, and case studies for problems based only on groundwater flow models (i.e., heads, drawdowns, gradients)
- Transport Optimization — Includes general information, information on specific codes/methods, and case studies for problems based on contaminant transport models (i.e., contaminant concentrations, cleanup times, etc.)