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3.7.2 Temporary Installations

Use: Access to ground water.


Ground water samples can be collected during drilling using a screened hollow-stem auger section. Various types of screens near or above the cutting head can be used, and samples can be collected using a portable sampler (suction-lift or portable displacement) which is lowered down the hollow stem.

Multiple-completion wells can be done from the bottom up (casing is gun-perforated at the bottom, samples taken, grouted to seal perforation, steps repeated at next level) or from top down (drilled to certain depth, temporary well installed and sampled, casing removed, and filled to next sampling point).


1. Non-Halogenated VOCs 5. PAHs 9. Inorganics
2. Non-Halogenated SVOCs 6. Pesticides/Herbicides 10. Explosives
3. Halogenated VOCs 7. Metals 11. TPHs
4. Halogenated SVOCs 8. Radionuclides


Soil: Ground Water: Surface Water: Gas/Air:
Not Applicable MINIMUM Not Applicable MODERATE

Cement grout used in multiple completion wells can affect quality of samples.

Maximum Depth: Up to 100 feet.
Production Rate: Sample is available after a short amount of time.
Investigation Derived Waste Volume: Medium volume of waste.
Technology Status: Commercially available and routinely used field technology.
Certification/Verification: Technology has not participated in CalEPA certification and/or CSCT verification program.
Relative Cost per Sample: Least expensive. In certain situations, temporary installations can be the most cost-effective method for obtaining preliminary data.


ASTM Standards/EPA Methods:

No applicable ASTM standards or EPA methods are cited for this technology.

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