As of July 2020, the content of this old version has been replaced with a new version. |
Description | Synonyms | Applicability | Limitations | Site Information | Points of Contact | |
Data Needs | Performance | Cost | References | Vendor Info. | Health & Safety |
Description: Figure 4-39a:Typical UVB Vacuum Vapor Extraction Diagram
Figure 4-39b:
Figure 4-39c: Modifications to the basic in-well stripping process may involve additives injected into the stripping well to enhance biodegradation (e.g., nutrients, electron acceptors, etc.). In addition, the area around the well affected by the circulation cell (radius of influence) can be modified through the addition of certain chemicals to allow in situ stabilization of metals originally dissolved in ground water. The duration of in-well air stripping is short- to long-term, depending contaminant concentrations, Henry's law constants of the contaminants, the radius of influence, and site hydrogeology.
Circulating wells (CWs) provide a technique for subsurface remediation by creating a three-dimensional circulation pattern of the ground water. Ground Water is drawn into a well through one screened section and is pumped through the well to a second screened section where it is reintroduced to the aquifer. The flow direction through the well can be specified as either upward or downward to accommodate site-specific conditions. Because ground water is not pumped above ground, pumping costs and permitting issues are reduced and eliminated, respectively. Also, the problems associated with storage and discharge are removed. In addition to ground water treatment, CW systems can provide simultaneous vadose zone treatment in the form of bioventing or soil vapor extraction. CW systems can provide treatment inside the well, in the aquifer, or a combination of both. For effective in-well treatment, the contaminants must be adequately soluble and mobile so they can be transported by the circulating ground water. Because CW systems provide a wide range of treatment options, they provide some degree of flexibility to a remediation effort. |
Synonyms: Vacuum vapor extraction; In-well aeration; Vacuum vaporizer well; ground water circulating wells. |
Applicability: The target contaminant groups for vacuum vapor extraction are halogenated VOCs, SVOCs, and fuels. Variations of the technology may allow for its effectiveness against some nonhalogenated VOCs, SVOCs, pesticides, and inorganics. Typically, in-well air stripping systems are a cost-effective approach for remediating VOC-contaminated ground water at sites with deep water tables because the water does not need to be brought to the surface.CW systems are most effective at treating sites with volatile contaminants with relatively high aqueous solubility and strong biodegradation potential, e.g., halogenated and non-halogenated VOCs. CWs operate more efficiently with horizontal conductivities greater that 10-3 cm/sec and a ratio of horizontal to vertical conductivities between 3 and 10. A ratio of less than 3 indicates short circulation times and a small radius of influence. If the ratio is greater that 10, the circulation time may be unacceptably long. |
Limitations: The following factors may limit the applicability and effectiveness of the process:
Data Needs: A detailed discussion of these data elements is provided in Subsection 2.2.2 (Data Requirements for Ground Water, Surface Water, and Leachate). |
Performance Data: A variation of this process, called Unterdruck-Verdampfer Brunner (UVB), has been used at numerous sites in Germany and has been introduced recently into the United States. Stanford University has developed another variation of this process, called NoVOCs, an in-well sparging system, which is currently being evaluated as part of DOE's Integrated Technology Demonstration Program. The Stanford system combines air-lift pumping with a vapor stripping technique. Wasatch Environmental, Inc. has also developed and patented another type of in-well vapor stripping system known as Denstiy Driven Convection (DDC). The DDC system emphasizes the enhancement of bioremediation and involves the dishcharge of extracted vapors into the vadose zone for degradation by naturally-occurring microorganisms. Awareness of this process is limited in the United States but can be expected to increase as development and demonstration of technologies based on the process continue. |
Cost: Not available. |
References: Treatment Technologies for Site Cleanup: Annual Status Report (ASR), Tenth Edition, EPA 542-R-01-004 Innovative Remediation Technologies: Field Scale Demonstration Project in North America, 2nd Edition Abstracts
of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4, June, 2000, EPA
542-R-00-006 DOE, 1994. Technology Catalogue, First Edition. February. |
Site Information:
Points of Contact:
Technology Specific Web Sites:
Vendor Information:
A list of vendors offering In Situ Physical/Chemical Water Treatment is available from EPA REACH IT which combines information from three established EPA databases, the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT), the Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System (Vendor FACTS), and the Innovative Treatment Technologies (ITT), to give users access to comprehensive information about treatment and characterization technologies and their applications. Health and Safety:
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Presumptive Remedies | |
Data Requirements | |
Nonhalogenated VOCs | |
Halogenated VOCs | |
Nonhalogenated SVOCs | |
Halogenated SVOCs | |
Fuels | |
Inorganics | |
Radionuclides | |
Explosives |
Soil,Sed.,Bedrock & Sludge | |
In Situ Biological | |
In Situ Phys/Chem | |
In Situ Thermal | |
Ex Situ Biological | |
Ex Situ Phys/Chem | |
Ex Situ Thermal | |
Containment | |
Other Treatment | |
Ground,Surf. H2O,Leachate | |
In Situ Biological | |
In Situ Phys/Chem | |
Ex Situ Biological | |
Ex Situ Phys/Chem | |
Containment | |
Off Gas & Air Emissions | |
Biofiltration | |
High Energy Destruction | |
Membrane Separation | |
Oxidation | |
Scrubbers | |
Carbon Adsorption |
Document Sources | |
Listing by Author | |
Listing of Websites |
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B. Site Projects | |
C. Federal Databases | |
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Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Biological Techs | |
Thermal Techs | |
Other Techs | |
Common Techs | |
Treatment Train |
Bioventing | |
Enhanced Bioremediation | |
Phytoremediation |
Chemical Oxidation | |
Electrokinetic Sep. | |
Fracturing | |
Soil Flushing | |
Soil Vapor Extraction | |
Solidification/Stabilization |
Thermal Treatment |
Biopiles | |
Composting | |
Landfarming | |
Slurry Phase |
Chemical Extraction | |
Chemical RedOx | |
Dehalogenation | |
Separation | |
Soil Washing | |
Solidification/Stabilization |
Hot Gas Decon. | |
Incineration | |
OB/OD | |
Pyrolysis | |
Thermal Desorption |
Landfill Cap | |
Landfill Cap Enhancements |
Off-Site Disposal |
Enhanced Biodegradation | |
Natural Attenuation | |
Phytoremediation |
Air Sparging | |
Bioslurping | |
Chemical Oxidation | |
Directional Wells | |
Dual Phase Extraction | |
Thermal Treatment | |
Hydrofracturing | |
Air Stripping | |
Treatment Walls |
Bioreactors | |
Constructed Wetlands |
Adsorption/Absorption | |
Adv. Oxidation Processes | |
Air Stripping | |
GAC | |
Ground Water Pumping | |
Ion Exchange | |
Prec./Coag./Flocc. | |
Separation | |
Sprinkler Irrigation |
Physical Barriers | |
Deep Well Injection |