As of July 2020, the content of this old version has been replaced with a new version. |
Description | Synonyms | Applicability | Limitations | Site Information | Points of Contact | |
Data Needs | Performance | Cost | References | Vendor Info. | Health & Safety |
Description: Figure 4-31 Typical In Situ Phytoremediation System Phytoremediation is a set of processes that uses plants to clean contamination in ground water and surface water. The treatment of metals or other inorganic contamination has been discussed in Section 4.6 (Phytoremediation for Soil). There are several ways plants can be used for the phytoremediation. These mechanisms include enhanced rhizosphere biodegradation, hydraulic control, phyto-degradation and phyto-volatilization.
Enhanced rhizosphere biodegradation takes place in the soil surrounding plant roots. Natural substances released by plant roots supply nutrients to microorganisms, which enhances their ability to biodegrade organic contaminants. Plant roots also loosen the soil and then die, leaving paths for transport of water and aeration. This process tends to pull water to the surface zone and dry the lower saturated zones.
Depending on the type of trees, climate, and season, trees can act as organic pumps when their roots reach down towards the water table and establish a dense root mass that takes up large quantities of water.
Phyto-degradation is the metabolism of contaminants within plant tissues. Plants produce enzymes, such as dehalogenase and oxygenase, that help catalyze degradation. Investigations are proceeding to determine if both aromatic and chlorinated aliphatic compounds are amenable to phyto-degradation.
Phyto-volatilization occurs as plants take up water containing organic contaminants and release the contaminants into the air through their leaves. Plants can also break down organic contaminants and release breakdown products into air through leaves. |
Synonyms: Vegetation-enhanced bioremediation. |
Applicability: Phytoremediation can be used to clean up organic contaminants from surface water, ground water, leachate, and municipal and industrial wastewater.Plants also produce enzymes, such as dehalogenase and oxygenase, which help catalyze degradation. |
Limitations: There are a number of limitations to phytoremediation
Data Needs: A detailed discussion of these data elements is provided in Subsection 2.2.2. (Data Requirements for Ground Water, Surface Water, and Leachate).In addition, detailed information is needed to determine the kinds of soil used for phytoremediation projects. Water movement, reductive oxygen concentrations, root growth, and root structure all affect the growth of plants and should be considered when implementing phytoremediation. |
Performance Data: The U.S. Air Force used poplar trees to contain a ground water TCE plume. TCE was shown to be degraded in the tissues of the poplar trees. The trees pumped a sufficient amount of water to produce a cone of depression limiting the spread of the TCE plume.In Iowa, EPA demonstrated the usage of phytoremediation by planting poplar trees along a stream bank between a corn field and the stream. These trees acted as natural pumps to keep toxic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers out of the streams and ground water. After three years, while the nitrate concentration in ground water at the edge of the corn field was measured at 150 mg/L, the ground water among the poplar trees along the stream bank had nitrate concentration of only 3 mg/L. USAEC is also leading the team of experts from EPA, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Waterways Experimental Station (WES) to successfully demonstrate phytoremediation of explosive contaminated sites in Milan Army Ammunition Plant in Milan, TN. |
Cost: The key cost driver information and cost analysis was developed in 2006 using the Remedial Action Cost Engineering and Requirements (RACER) software. Key Cost Drivers · Scale of effort o Area of contamination is the primary cost driver · Tree size (maturity) is the secondary cost driver. Cost Analysis The following table represents estimated costs (by common unit of measure) to apply phytoremediation technology at sites of varying size and complexity. A more detailed cost estimate table which includes specific site characteristics and significant cost elements that contributed to the final costs can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
References: Treatment Technologies for Site Cleanup: Annual Status Report (ASR), Tenth Edition, EPA 542-R-01-004 Innovative Remediation Technologies: Field Scale Demonstration Project in North America, 2nd Edition Remediation Technology Cost Compendium - Year 2000 Groundwater Cleanup: Overview of Operating Experience at 28 Sites, September 1999, EPA 542-R-99-006, Treatment Experiences at RCRA Corrective Actions, December 2000, EPA 542-F-00-020 Abstracts
of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4, June, 2000, EPA
542-R-00-006 California Base Closure Environmental Committee (CBCEC), 1994. Treatment Technologies Applications Matrix for Base Closure Activities, Revision 1, Technology Matching Process Action Team, November, 1994. EPA, 1998. A Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation, Technology Fact Sheet, EPA NCEPI, EPA/542/F-98/011. EPA, 1996. A Citizen's Guide to Bioremediation, Technology Fact Sheet, EPA NCEPI, EPA/542/F-96/007. EPA, 1996. Recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soils, EPA/542/R-96/008. USAEC, 1997.Phytoremediation of Explosives in Groundwater Using Constructed Wetlands in Innovative Technology Demonstration, Evaluation and Transfer Activities, FY 96 Annual Report, Report No. SFIM-AEC-ET-CR-97013, pp. 155-156. |
Site Information:
Points of Contact:
Technology Specific Web Sites:
Vendor Information:
A list of vendors offering In Situ Biological Treatment is available from EPA REACH IT which combines information from three established EPA databases, the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT), the Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System (Vendor FACTS), and the Innovative Treatment Technologies (ITT), to give users access to comprehensive information about treatment and characterization technologies and their applications. Health and Safety:
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Nonhalogenated VOCs | |
Halogenated VOCs | |
Nonhalogenated SVOCs | |
Halogenated SVOCs | |
Fuels | |
Inorganics | |
Radionuclides | |
Explosives |
Soil,Sed.,Bedrock & Sludge | |
In Situ Biological | |
In Situ Phys/Chem | |
In Situ Thermal | |
Ex Situ Biological | |
Ex Situ Phys/Chem | |
Ex Situ Thermal | |
Containment | |
Other Treatment | |
Ground,Surf. H2O,Leachate | |
In Situ Biological | |
In Situ Phys/Chem | |
Ex Situ Biological | |
Ex Situ Phys/Chem | |
Containment | |
Off Gas & Air Emissions | |
Biofiltration | |
High Energy Destruction | |
Membrane Separation | |
Oxidation | |
Scrubbers | |
Carbon Adsorption |
Document Sources | |
Listing by Author | |
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Techs for H2O | |
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Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Biological Techs | |
Thermal Techs | |
Other Techs | |
Common Techs | |
Treatment Train |
Bioventing | |
Enhanced Bioremediation | |
Phytoremediation |
Chemical Oxidation | |
Electrokinetic Sep. | |
Fracturing | |
Soil Flushing | |
Soil Vapor Extraction | |
Solidification/Stabilization |
Thermal Treatment |
Biopiles | |
Composting | |
Landfarming | |
Slurry Phase |
Chemical Extraction | |
Chemical RedOx | |
Dehalogenation | |
Separation | |
Soil Washing | |
Solidification/Stabilization |
Hot Gas Decon. | |
Incineration | |
OB/OD | |
Pyrolysis | |
Thermal Desorption |
Landfill Cap | |
Landfill Cap Enhancements |
Off-Site Disposal |
Enhanced Biodegradation | |
Natural Attenuation | |
Phytoremediation |
Air Sparging | |
Bioslurping | |
Chemical Oxidation | |
Directional Wells | |
Dual Phase Extraction | |
Thermal Treatment | |
Hydrofracturing | |
Air Stripping | |
Treatment Walls |
Bioreactors | |
Constructed Wetlands |
Adsorption/Absorption | |
Adv. Oxidation Processes | |
Air Stripping | |
GAC | |
Ground Water Pumping | |
Ion Exchange | |
Prec./Coag./Flocc. | |
Separation | |
Sprinkler Irrigation |
Physical Barriers | |
Deep Well Injection |