As of July 2020, the content of this old version has been replaced with a new version. |
Description | Synonyms | Applicability | Limitations | Site Information | Points of Contact | |
Data Needs | Performance | Cost | References | Vendor Info. | Health & Safety |
Description: Figure 4-58:Typical Nonthermal Plasma Diagram Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur have been linked to a broad range of air pollution problems including acid rain and the atmospheric production of photochemical ozone. Efforts to control NOx emissions have lagged because of the generally low discharge concentrations of nitrogen oxides in combustion exhaust and because nitric oxide (NO), the major constituent in combustion-produced NOx is difficult to remove due to its low reactivity. Electrical discharge techniques are emerging as successful methods for converting gaseous pollutants, such as NOx into inert or treatable species. Chemical reactions are initiated by the interaction of molecules with energetic electrons or photons. These electrons and photons can be produced in any number of ways, including the use of lasers and electrical discharges. Non-thermal plasma methods are particularly useful in pollution control where concentrations at the parts per million level are involved. |
Applicability: Nonthermal plasma techniques can achieve NOx emission control, technology for utility boilers; gas and diesel engines and prevention of ozone formation.![]() |
Limitations: Nonthermal plasma technologies are not yet tested on commercial systems |
Data Needs: A detailed discussion of these data elements is provided in Subsection 2.2.3. (Data Requirements for Air Emissions/Off-Gases). |
Performance Data: Nonthermal plasma technology for NOx control can be used retrofitted to any combustion system including gas and diesel engines. |
Cost: NA |
References: EPA,
Innovative Technology Inventory - University of New Hampshire,
Technology Type: Air Pollution Control Technology Description |
Site Information:
Points of Contact:
Technology Specific Web Sites:
Vendor Information:
A list of vendors offering Air Emission/Off-Gas Treatment is available from the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT) developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Health and Safety:
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Natural Resources | |
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Presumptive Remedies | |
Data Requirements | |
Nonhalogenated VOCs | |
Halogenated VOCs | |
Nonhalogenated SVOCs | |
Halogenated SVOCs | |
Fuels | |
Inorganics | |
Radionuclides | |
Explosives |
Soil,Sed.,Bedrock & Sludge | |
In Situ Biological | |
In Situ Phys/Chem | |
In Situ Thermal | |
Ex Situ Biological | |
Ex Situ Phys/Chem | |
Ex Situ Thermal | |
Containment | |
Other Treatment | |
Ground,Surf. H2O,Leachate | |
In Situ Biological | |
In Situ Phys/Chem | |
Ex Situ Biological | |
Ex Situ Phys/Chem | |
Containment | |
Off Gas & Air Emissions | |
Biofiltration | |
High Energy Destruction | |
Membrane Separation | |
Oxidation | |
Scrubbers | |
Carbon Adsorption |
Document Sources | |
Listing by Author | |
Listing of Websites |
A. Vendors | |
B. Site Projects | |
C. Federal Databases | |
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F. Synonyms |
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Soil,Sed.,Bedrock & Sludge | |
Gr. & Surf. H2O, Leachate | |
Air Emissions/Off-Gases |
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Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Techs for Air Emissions | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Techs for H2O | |
Treatment Train |
Properties & Behavior | |
Techs for Soil | |
Biological Techs | |
Thermal Techs | |
Other Techs | |
Common Techs | |
Treatment Train |
Bioventing | |
Enhanced Bioremediation | |
Phytoremediation |
Chemical Oxidation | |
Electrokinetic Sep. | |
Fracturing | |
Soil Flushing | |
Soil Vapor Extraction | |
Solidification/Stabilization |
Thermal Treatment |
Biopiles | |
Composting | |
Landfarming | |
Slurry Phase |
Chemical Extraction | |
Chemical RedOx | |
Dehalogenation | |
Separation | |
Soil Washing | |
Solidification/Stabilization |
Hot Gas Decon. | |
Incineration | |
OB/OD | |
Pyrolysis | |
Thermal Desorption |
Landfill Cap | |
Landfill Cap Enhancements |
Off-Site Disposal |
Enhanced Biodegradation | |
Natural Attenuation | |
Phytoremediation |
Air Sparging | |
Bioslurping | |
Chemical Oxidation | |
Directional Wells | |
Dual Phase Extraction | |
Thermal Treatment | |
Hydrofracturing | |
Air Stripping | |
Treatment Walls |
Bioreactors | |
Constructed Wetlands |
Adsorption/Absorption | |
Adv. Oxidation Processes | |
Air Stripping | |
GAC | |
Ground Water Pumping | |
Ion Exchange | |
Prec./Coag./Flocc. | |
Separation | |
Sprinkler Irrigation |
Physical Barriers | |
Deep Well Injection |