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- Improving Remedial Effectiveness at U.S. Department of Energy through Optimization Review and Performance Basis (2008)
This paper describes a 2004 initiative by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Environmental Management (EM) Program to conduct Remediation Process Optimization (RPO) reviews at DOE sites. RPO is the systematic evaluation and enhancement of site remediation processes to ensure that human health and the environment are protected over the long term at minimum risk and cost. The RPO review teams were led by experts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and provided independent findings and recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of remedial and monitoring systems, planned engineering systems, and exit strategies. As of February 2008, nine RPO reviews have been conducted, including pump and treat system optimization, monitoring program optimization, in situ barrier performance improvement, remedial design review, and strategic planning for feasibility studies and Records of Decision.
Download (59.9KB/5pp/PDF) - Pilot Region-Based Optimization Program for Fund-Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 (2006)
The following reports document the current (as of December 2005) and baseline site conditions and the results of streamlined optimization evaluations carried out at 12 sites in EPA Region 3.
- Site Optimization Tracker: AIW Frank/Mid-County Mustang Site, Exton, Pennsylvania (456KB/33pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006a)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Butz Landfill Superfund Site, Jackson Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania (385KB/36pp/PDF)
(EPA 542-R-06-006h) - Site Optimization Tracker: Crossley Farm Superfund Site, Hereford and Washington Townships, Berks County, Pennsylvania (558KB/31pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006b)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Croydon TCE Site, Bristol Towns, Pennsylvania (327KB/32pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006i)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Croychem Superfund Site, Berks County, Boyertown, Pennsylvania (402KB/39pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006c)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Greenwood Chemical Site, Newtown, Virginia (1.50MB/73pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006d)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Havertown PCP Site, Havertown, Pennsylvania (927KB/73pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006j)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Hellertown Manufacturing, Hellertown, Pennsylvania (1.04MB/63pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006e)
- Site Optimization Tracker: North Penn Area 1 Superfund Site, Souderton, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (280KB/29pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006k)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Raymark, Hatboro, Pennsylvania 1.56MB/53pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006f)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Saunders Supply Company Superfund Site, Chuckatuck, Pennsylvania (351KB/34pp/PDF) (EPA 542-R-06-006l)
- Site Optimization Tracker: Standard Chlorine of Delaware Superfund Site, New Castle County, Pennsylvania (361B/38pp/PDF)
(EPA 542-R-06-006g)
- Cost Effective Design of Pump and Treat Systems (2005)
This fact sheet summarizes key aspects to consider for designing cost-effective pump and treat (P&T) systems. Topics include remedy goals and performance monitoring, system design parameters, extraction system considerations, appropriate treatment technologies, discharge options, and system controls.
EPA 542-R-05-008, April 2005
Download (291K/38pp/PDF) - Effective Contracting Approaches for Operating Pump and Treat Systems (2005)
This fact sheet summarizes key aspects to consider for contracting to operate pump and treat (P&T) systems. Topics include essential contract components, options for contract type, considerations specific to contracts for operating P&T systems, and incorporation of optimization.
EPA 542-R-05-009, April 2005
Download (223K/22pp/PDF) - O&M Report Template for Ground Water Remedies (with Emphasis on Pump and Treat Systems) (2005)
This fact sheet provides a report template that can be used to present information on the operations and maintenance (O&M) of a ground water remedy, particularly those including pump-and-treat (P&T). The template includes various report sections, suggested items to be included in those sections, and example tables and figures.
EPA 542-R-05-010, April 2005
Download (765K/58pp/PDF) - Elements for Effective Management of Operating Pump and Treat Systems (2002)
This fact sheet summarizes key aspects of effective management for operating pump and treat (P&T) systems based on lessons learned from conducting optimization evaluations at 20 Superfund-financed P&T systems. The lessons learned, however, are relevant to almost any P&T system. Therefore, the document may serve as a resource for managers, contractors, or regulators of any P&T system, whether or not that system is within the Superfund Program. This fact sheet is meant to provide a framework for effective site management, but is not intended to be a detailed instructional manual.
Order: EPA 542-R-02-009, October 2002
Download (521K/22pp/PDF) - ITRC Remediation Process Optimization (RPO) Team (2002)
The RPO Team began its work in 2002 by seeking to partner with remedial process optimization teams from the military services and other federal agencies. Since then, the RPO Team has produced guidance and a variety of other RPO documents, as well as Internet training modules on Remediation Process Optimization and Performance-based Environmental Management, which focus on the needs of state regulators. - EPA Five-Year Review Guidance Website (2001)
This Guidance provides an approach for conducting five-year reviews, facilitate consistency across the ten EPA Regions, clarify current policy, and discuss roles and responsibilities of various entities in conducting or supporting five-year reviews. - Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems: Summary of Selected Cost and Performance Information at Superfund-financed Site (2001)
This report summarizes Phase 1 (the data collection phase) of the Nationwide Fund-lead Pump and Treat Optimization Project. This phase included identifying 88 Fund-lead pump-and-treat (P&T) systems, summarizes the information submitted by the RPMs, and presents the screening and selection of those systems to receive RSEs.
Order: EPA 542-R-01-021b, December 2001.
Download (1.4M/409pp/PDF) - Operation and Maintenance (O&M) in the Superfund Program Fact Sheet (2001)
This fact sheet provides guidance to RPMs and others who have O&M responsibilities, such as the timing of O&M planning, the transition of a remedy from construction to the O&M stage, the performance of O&M functions, RPM oversight responsibilities, record keeping, troubleshooting, and termination of O&M.
Order: EPA 540-F-01-004, May 2001
Download (197K/11pp/PDF) - Superfund Post Construction Completion: An Overview (2001)
The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an overview of Superfund Post Construction Completion (PCC). The fact sheet lays out the goal and objective for Superfund PCC work, describes why this work is important, identified the activities included under the banner of PCC, and describes the roles and responsibilities of involved parties.
Order: EPA 540-F-01-009, June 2001
Download (117K/15pp/PDF) - Groundwater Cleanup: Overview of Operating Experience at 28 Sites (1999)
This study examined operating experiences at 28 sites across the United States at which completed or ongoing groundwater cleanup programs are in place. Individual reports have previously been published for each of the 28 sites by the Federal Remediation Technology Roundtable and are available on the listings of the Cost and Performance Reports from the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable.
Order: EPA 542-R-99-006, September 1999
Download (740K/67pp/PDF) - NAVFAC Tech Data Sheet. SMART SITE – Cost Efficiencies in Remedial Action Operations and Long-Term Monitoring (1999)
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division (SOUTHDIV), and the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC) conducted an innovative analysis of the remediation program at the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant (NIROP), Fridley, and Minnesota, by using a system engineering approach "SMART SITE" and applying state-of-the-art computer software, evolving engineering principles, alternative technologies, and a proactive regulatory approach. Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center, February 1999 - EPA Ground Water Issue, Design Guidelines for Conventional Pump-and-Treat Systems (1998)
This issue paper focuses on design of conventional groundwater extraction and injection systems used in subsurface remediation.
Cohen, R.M., J.W. Mercer, and R.M. Greenwald.
Order: EPA 540-S-97-504, September 1998
Download (1.2M/38pp/PDF) - EPA Pump-and-Treat Ground-Water Remediation: A Guide for Decision Makers and Practitioners (1996)
An introduction to pump-and-treat ground-water remediation. This guide presents decision makers with a foundation for evaluating the appropriateness of conventional or innovative approaches.
Order: EPA 625-R-95-005, July 1996 - Methods for Monitoring Pump-and-Treat Performance (1994)
This document was developed on behalf of the United States Environmental Protection Agency to outline methods for evaluation the effectiveness and efficiency of pump-and-treat remediation systems.
Order: EPA 600-R-94-123, June 1994
Download (921K/110pp/PDF)