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- AFCEE Remedial Process Optimization Handbook (2001)
The purpose of this handbook is to assist remediation site managers and their operating contractors in ensuring that each remediation system is effectively making progress toward site cleanup objectives and remains protective of human health and the environment. - Final Report: Pilot Region-Based Optimization Program for Fund-Lead Sites, EPA Region III (2007) Newly Posted!
This report describes a pilot study for a Region-based optimization program, implemented by a Regional Optimization Evaluation Team (ROET) that was conducted in U.S. EPA Region III at Fund-lead sites with pump-and-treat (P&T) systems. The ROET is comprised of Regional management, Regional technical staff, technical experts unassociated with the sites, and a representative from EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI), and the pilot program represents a modification of the process currently used in the nationwide OSRTI program. The report provides a discussion of how the pilot program differs from current practice and lessons learned in the pilot study.
Download (236KB/50pp/PDF) - Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Brochure on Remediation Process Optimization (RPO) (2002)
RPO, is the systematic evaluation and enhancement of site remediation processes to ensure that human health and the environment are being protected over the long term at minimum risk and cost. RPO may result in cost savings when ineffective systems are overhauled or replaced with innovative technologies.
Download (348KB/2pp/PDF) - Methods for Evaluating the Attainment of Cleanup Standard
This set of documents provides sampling and analytical methods for determining the success of a remediation effort. These manuals provide a technical interpretation of what sampling and data analysis methods are acceptable for verifying attainment of cleanup standards. It includes
Volume 1: Soils, EPA/230/02-89-042 (February 1989);
Download Vol. 1 (3.9MB/262pp/PDF)
Volume 2: Groundwater, EPA 230-R-92-014 (July 1992); and
Download Vol. 2 (6.4MB/363pp/PDF)
Volume 3: Reference-based Soils, EPA 230-R-94-004 (December 1992).
Download Vol. 3 (3.5MB/140pp/PDF) - Navy and Marine Corps Optimization Working Group Website
The working group is comprised of representatives from the Navy's Engineering Field Divisions, Engineering Field Activities, the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC), the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). The goal is to develop guidance for optimizing Remedial Action Operation (RAO) and Long Term Monitoring (LTM) phases of site cleanup projects. The group is also tracking Navy lessons learned for obtaining cost-effective RAO and LTM contract services. This website contains:
- Navy LTM/Groundwater Monitoring Optimization Guidance
- Navy RAO Optimization Guidance
- LTM Optimization Case Studies
- RAO Optimization Case Studies
- Statistical Methods Useful in Assessment Monitoring and Corrective Action Programs developed by Discerning Systems, Inc.
Discerning Systems, Inc. has developed statistical analysis computer programs on the statistical aspects of assessment and corrective action monitoring: CARStat (Compliance Assessment Remediation Statistics) and DUMPStat (Groundwater Detection Monitoring Statistics). - United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Remediation System Evaluation (RSE) Checklists (1999)
In order to assist USACE personnel and their contractors in performing these RSEs, a suite of checklists has been developed. The checklists guide the evaluation of the operations and maintenance of equipment and processes; provide suggestions on identified problems; and assist evaluators in identification of possible cost saving alternatives. This website also contains an example report, general instructions, a guide scope of work, and a guide clause. - USEPA Superfund Reform Strategy, Implementation Memorandum: Optimization of Fund-lead Ground Water Pump and Treat (P&T) Systems. (2000)
This initiative outlines a commitment to optimize EPA's Fund-lead pump and treat (P&T) systems (i.e., those systems financed and/or managed by USEPA). Includes memorandum, implementation plan, fact sheet, and "question and answer" documents. OSWER 9283.1-13, Signed October 31, 2000.
Download (56KB/22pp/PDF)