This reference guide is the product of a cooperative effort
between the member agencies of the Federal Remediation
Technologies Roundtable (FRTR). Platinum International, Inc.
prepared the text and graphics under Army Contract
DACA31-99-D-0045. The Army contract project officers were Scott Hill and Richard
Williams of the U.S. Army Environmental Center,
Pollution Prevention, Compliance, Acquisition and Technology Division. Julie Van Deuren served as the
PII Project Manager and Teressa Lloyd, Shobha Chhetry, Raycharn Liou, James Peck as
principal authors.
The authors express special recognition and appreciation to
the members of the FRTR subcommittee responsible for providing
guidance and coordinating review activities among their member
agencies: Richard Williams of the Army Environmental Center; Robert
Nash and Tanwir Chaudhry of the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center;
Johnnette Shockley, Jeff Breckenridge, and Ian T. Osgerby of the Army Corps of Engineers; John Quander, Richard J. Weisman, and Peter J. Shields of the Environmental Protection
Agency's Technology Innovation Office; Beth Moore of the
Department of Energy; and John Powell of the U.S. Geological
Survey; Marty Kushner of the Interstate Technology Regulatory Cooperation.
The following reviewers each contributed to the depth of this
report through comments based on their considerable expertise:
Mr. Scott Hill
U.S. Army Environmental Center
5179 Hoadley Road
Bldg. E-4430
APG, MD 21010-5401
FAX: 410-436-6836
E-mail: Scott.Hill@aec.apgea.army.mil |
Mr. Richard Williams
U.S. Army Environmental Center
5179 Hoadley Road
Bldg. E-4430
APG, MD 21010-5401
FAX: 410-436-6836
E-mail: Richard.Williams@aec.apgea.army.mil |
Mr. Marty Kushner
Interstate Technology Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC)
444 North Capitol Street N.W.
Suite 445
Washington D.C. 20001
FAX: 202-624-3666
E-mail: mkushner@sso.org
Mr. Tanwir Chaudhry
Intergraph Corp
Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
Attn: ESC411
1100 23rd Avenue
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370
FAX: 805-982-5623
E-mail: chaudhryt@nfesc.navy.mil |
Mr. Robert Nash
Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
Attn: ESC414RN
1100 23rd Avenue
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370
FAX: 805-982-4304
E-mail: nashra@nfesc.navy.mil |
Ms. Beth Moore
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE/EM-52)
Environment Management Science Program
Forrestal Building, Room 3E066
1000 Independence Avenue S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
FAX: 202-586-1492
E-mail: beth.moore@em.doe.gov |
Ms. Johnette Shockley
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HTRW-CX
12565 West Center Road
Omaha, NE 68144
FAX: 402-697-2595
E-mail: johnette.c.shockley@usace.army.mil
Mr. Richard J. Weisman
Tetra Tech EM Inc.
1881 Campus Commons Dr., Suite 200
Reston, VA 20191
FAX: 703-391-5876
E-mail: richard.weisman@ttemi.com |
Mr. Rick Tomlinson
Interstate Technology Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC)
444 North Capitol Street N.W.
Suite 445
Washington D.C. 20001
FAX: 202-624-3666
E-mail: rickt@sso.org |
Mr. John Powell
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive (MS414)
Reston, VA 20192
FAX: 703- 648-5722
E-mail: jdpowell@usgs.gov
Mr. Ian T. Osgersby PhD, PE
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
696 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
FAX: 978-318-8663
E-mail: ian.t.osgersby@usace.army.mil
Mr. Peter J. Shields
Tetra Tech EM Inc
1881 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 200
Reston, VA 20191
FAX: 703-391-5876
E-mail: pete.shields@ttemi.com |
Mr. John Quander
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Technology Innovation Office
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 5102G
Washington D.C. 20460
FAX: 703-603-9135
E-mail: Quander.John@epa.gov |
Mr. Jeff Breckenridge
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
12565 West Center Road
Omaha, NE 68144
FAX: 402-697-2639
E-mail: jeff.l.breckenridge@usace.army.mil