| Description:
Figure 4-27: Typical Water Harvesting Enhancement
The precipitation to the landfill cover is
balanced by the combination of following effects: run-off, cumulating in soil,
evapotranspiration, and percolation. For a given amount of precipitation, in order to
reduce or eliminate percolation, the effects of run-off and/or evapotranspiration need to
be enhanced.
Water Harvesting
Water harvesting uses runoff enhancement to manage landfill site water
balance. This enhancement can be achieved by simply covering landfill cover surface with
metal rain gutter placed parallel to the slope. The percentage of runoff increases when
gutter coverage increases. However, too much coverage (> 40%) has little effect on
runoff enhancement.
Vegetative Cover
Vegetative cover reduces soil moisture via plant uptake and
evapotranspiration. Plant cover also limits soil erosion. Vegetative cover is more stable
because it emphasizes use of natural materials and configurations, which implies
| Applicability:
Landfill cover enhancement is applicable for traditional
landfills, surface impoundments, waste piles, sludges, and some mine tailings. It
may prove to be less costly than a conventional barrier because it uses simple structure
or local resources. It is simple in design, easy to install over an existing landfill
cover, and easy to remove if other uses for the land emerge in the future.
| Performance Data:
Landfill cover enhancement is a fairly new technology that
is still being tested and demonstrated.
Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center initiated a demonstration
project at Marine Corp Base Hawaii to evaluate infiltration control cover design. Metal
rain gutters were placed on the ground surface and parallel to the slope. Remaining
surface was seeded with 6 native grasses and shrubs. After 9 months of operation, it was
found that plots with runoff enhancement had 2 to 5 times more runoff, and 2 to 3 times
less percolation.
| References:
Innovative Remediation
Technologies: Field Scale Demonstration Project in North America,
2nd Edition
of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4, June, 2000, EPA
Guide to Documenting and Managing Cost and Performance Information for
Remediation Projects - Revised Version, October, 1998, EPA 542-B-98-007
Murphy B., 1995. Demonstration project may lead to more effective hazardous
waste landfill covers. Sandia National Laboratories, U.S. DOE Environmental
Management, Office of Science and Technology.
Dwyer, S., 1997. Alternative Landfill Cover Demonstration.
Sandia National Laboratories, U.S. DOE Environmental Management, Office of Science and
EPA, 1998. Evaluation
of Subsurface Engineered Barriers at Waste Sites, Technology Report,
Finley, R., 1997. Demonstrate Capillary Barrier Design Tools. Sandia
National Laboratories, U.S. DOE Environmental Management, Office of Science and
Hakonson, T.E., L. Karr, and B. Harre, 1997. A Water Balance Study of
Infiltration Control Landfill Cover Design at Marine Corp Base Hawaii,
Technical paper, Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center, Port Hueneme, CA.
1999. Landfill Covers for Use at Air Force Installations.
Site Information:

Points of Contact:
General FRTR Agency Contacts
Technology Specific Web Site:
Government Web Sites
Non Government Web Sites

Vendor Information:
A list of vendors offering
Soil Containment Treatment is available from EPA
REACH IT which combines information from three established EPA databases,
the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT),
the Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System (Vendor
FACTS), and the Innovative Treatment Technologies (ITT), to give users access to
comprehensive information about treatment and characterization technologies and
their applications.
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