Predictive modeling may be useful in estimating emissions from
a site or treatment system. An appropriate theoretical model is
selected to represent the system (e.g., SVE treatment,
incinerator, etc.), and site and contaminant information is used
to estimate gross emissions. Because many variables affect
emission rates, this approach is limited by the
representativeness of the model and by the input used. This
approach is usually used as a screening-level or pre-design
evaluation. Site-specific data to support planning or technology
selection activities (e.g., health risk assessments, pilot-scale
studies) should be performed prior to actual implementation.
Emissions of VOCs and particulate matter during site
disturbances, such as excavation, may be several orders of
magnitude greater than the emission levels of an undisturbed
site. The potential air emissions from the undisturbed and
disturbed site must be understood before developing a site
mitigation strategy. EPA has developed a systematic approach,
called an Air Pathway Analysis (APA), for determining what air
contaminants are present and at what level these compounds may be
released into the atmosphere. The APA method is outlined in a
four-volume series (Air Superfund National Technical Guidance
Study Series, EPA, 1989).
Emissions from treatment systems (e.g., SVE or incinerators,
etc.) may be approximated by using soil contaminant
concentrations and flow or throughput rate.
If the use of thermal combustion or certain oxidation systems
is planned for off-gas treatment of extracted vapors, then an
adequate supply of air/oxygen must be provided in order to
operate these efficiently.
Information regarding the concentration and
permeability/percent flow at discrete vertical intervals is
extremely useful in optimized recovery from the regions of
highest contaminant mass/removal potential. In other words, if
90% of the contaminant mass is being extracted from only 5% of
the vertical interval, then off-gas treatment is biased by the
large contribution of uncontaminated soil gas. Thus, changes in
screened intervals, flow rates, mass transfer rates, and residual
contaminant composition over time can dramatically affect off-gas
treatment and should be evaluated.