| Description:
Figure 4-5: Typical In Situ Electrokinetic Separation System
The principle of electrokinetic remediation relies upon
application of a low-intensity direct current through the soil between ceramic electrodes
that are divided into a cathode array and an anode array. This mobilizes charged species,
causing ions and water to move toward the electrodes. Metal ions, ammonium ions, and
positively charged organic compounds move toward the cathode. Anions such as chloride,
cyanide, fluoride, nitrate, and negatively charged organic compounds move toward the
anode. The current creates an acid front at the anode and a base front at the cathode.
This generation of acidic condition in situ may help to mobilize sorbed metal contaminants
for transport to the collection system at the cathode.The two primary mechanisms
transport contaminants through the soil towards one or the other electrodes:
electromigration and electroosmosis. In electromigration, charged particles are
transported through the substrate. In contrast, electroosmosis is the movement of a liquid
containing ions relative to a stationary charged surface. Of the two, electromigration is
the main mechanism for the ER process. The direction and rate of movement of an ionic
species will depend on its charge, both in magnitude and polarity, as well as the
magnitude of the electroosmosis-induced flow velocity. Non-ionic species, both inorganic
and organic, will also be transported along with the electroosmosis induced water flow.
Two approaches are taken during electrokinetic remediation: "Enhanced
Removal" and "Treatment without Removal".
"Enhanced Removal" is achieved by electrokinetic transport of contaminants
toward the polarized electrodes to concentrate the contaminants for subsequent removal and
ex-situ treatment. Removal of contaminants at the electrode may be accomplished by several
means among which are: electroplating at the electrode; precipitation or co-precipitation
at the electrode; pumping of water near the electrode; or complexing with ion exchange
resins. Enhanced removal is widely used on remediation of soils contaminated metals.
"Treatment without Removal" is achieved by electro-osmotic transport of
contaminants through treatment zones placed between electrodes. The polarity of the
electrodes is reversed periodically, which reverses the direction of the contaminants back
and forth through treatment zones. The frequency with which electrode polarity is reversed
is determined by the rate of transport of contaminants through the soil. This approach can
be used on in-situ remediation of soils contaminated with organic species.
| Synonyms:
Electrokinetics; Electromigration.
| Applicability:
Targeted contaminants for electrokinetics are heavy metals,
anions, and polar organics in soil, mud, sledge, and marine dredging. Concentrations that
can be treated range from a few parts per million (ppm) to tens of thousands ppm.
Electrokinetics is most applicable in low permeability soils. Such soils are typically
saturated and partially saturated clays and silt-clay mixtures, and are not readily
| Limitations:
Factors that may limit the applicability and effectiveness of
this process include:
- Effectiveness is sharply reduced for wastes with a moisture content of less than 10
percent. Maximum effectiveness occurs if the moisture content is between 14 and 18
- The presence of buried metallic or insulating material can induce variability in the
electrical conductivity of the soil, therefore, the natural geologic spatial variability
should be delineated. Additionally, deposits that exhibit very high electrical
conductivity, such as ore deposits, cause the technique to be inefficient.
- Inert electrodes, such as carbon, graphite, or platinum, must be used so that no residue
will be introduced into the treated soil mass. Metallic electrodes may dissolve as a
result of electrolysis and introduce corrosive products into the soil mass.
- Electrokinetics is most effective in clays because of the negative surface charge of
clay particles. However, the surface charge of the clay is altered by both charges in the
pH of the pore fluid and the adsorption of contaminants. Extreme pH at the electrodes and
reduction-oxidation changes induced by the process electrode reactions many inhibit
ERs effectiveness, although acidic conditions (i.e., low pH) may help to remove
- Oxidation/reduction reactions can form undesirable products (e.g., chlorine gas).
| Data Needs:
A detailed discussion of data elements is provided in Subsection 2.2.1 (Data Requirements for Soil, Sediment
and Sludge).
| Performance Data:
There have been few, if any, commercial applications of
electrokinetic remediation in the United States. The electrokinetic technology has been
operated for test and demonstration purposes at the pilot scale and at full scale at the
following sites: (1) Louisiana State University, (2) Electrokinetics, Inc., (3)
Geokinetics International, Inc., and (4) Battelle Memorial Institute. Geokinetics
International, Inc.(GII) has successfully demonstrated the in situ electrokinetic
remediation process in five field sites in Europe. In 1996, a comprehensive
demonstration study of lead extraction at a U.S.Army firing range in Louisiana was
conducted by DoDs Small Business Innovative Research Program and Electrokinetics,
Inc. The EPA taking part in independent assessments of the results, found pilot-scale
studies have demonstrated that concentrations of lead decreased to less than 300 mg/kg in
30 weeks of electrokinetic processing when the soils where originally contaminated as high
as 4,500 mg/kg of lead.
| Cost:
Costs will vary with the amount of soil to be treated, the
conductivity of the soil, the type of contaminant, the spacing of electrodes, and the type
of process design employed. Ongoing pilot-scale studies using "real-world" soils
indicate that the energy expenditures in extraction of metals from soils may be 500 kWh/m3
or more at electrode spacing of 1.0m to 1.5m. Direct costs estimates of about $15/m3
for a suggested energy expenditure of $0.03 per kilowatt hours, together with the cost of
enhancement, could result in direct costs of $50/m3 or more. A
recent study estimated full scale costs at $117 per cubic meter. If no other
efficient in situ technology is available to remediate fine-grained and heterogeneous
subsurface deposits contaminated with metals, this technique would remain potentially
| References:
Technologies for Site Cleanup: Annual Status Report (ASR), Tenth Edition,
EPA 542-R-01-004
Innovative Remediation
Technologies: Field Scale Demonstration Project in North America,
2nd Edition
of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4, June, 2000, EPA
Guide to Documenting and Managing Cost and Performance Information for
Remediation Projects - Revised Version, October, 1998, EPA 542-B-98-007
EPA, 1996. Recent
Development for In Situ Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soil, EPA
Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response. Technology Innovative Office. Washington,
USAEC, 1997. "In-situ Electrokinetic Remediation for Metal
Contaminated Soils" in Innovative Technology Demonstration, Evaluation
and Transfer Activities, FY 96 Annual Report, Report No. SFIM-AEC-ET-CR-97013, pp.
U.S. DOE, 1995. "Electrokintic Remediation of Heavy Metals and
Radionuclides," in Technology Catalogue, Second Edition, Office of
Environmental Management Office of Technology Development, DOE/EM-0235, pp. 201-203.
Site Information:
- Army Demo,
U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station, Baton Rouge Louisiana
- An Underground Storage Tank
- DOE Demo,
Oak Ridge K-25 facility, Tennessee
- DOE Demo:
Sandia National Laboratories Chemical Waste Landfill
- EPA/DOE Demo:
DOE Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky
- DOE Demo,
Old TNX Basin, Savannah River Site, South Carolina
- U.S. Army,
firing range, LA

Points of Contact:
General FRTR Agency Contacts
Technology Specific Web Sites:
Government Web Sites
Non Government Web Sites

Vendor Information:
A list of vendors offering In
Situ Physical/Chemical Soil Treatment is available from EPA
REACH IT which combines information from three established EPA databases,
the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT),
the Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System (Vendor
FACTS), and the Innovative Treatment Technologies (ITT), to give users access to
comprehensive information about treatment and characterization technologies and
their applications.
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