| Description:
Figure 4-4: Typical Chemical Oxidation System
The Chemical oxidants most commonly employed to date include peroxide, ozone, and
permanganate. These oxidants have been able to cause the rapid and
complete chemical destruction of many toxic organic chemicals; other
organics are amenable to partial degradation as an aid to subsequent
bioremediation. In general the oxidants have been capable of achieving
high treatment efficiencies (e.g., > 90 percent) for unsaturated
aliphatic (e.g., trichloroethylene [TCE]) and aromatic compounds (e.g.,
benzene), with very fast reaction rates (90 percent destruction in
minutes). Field applications have clearly affirmed that matching the
oxidant and in situ delivery system to the contaminants of concern
(COCs) and the site conditions is the key to successful implementation and
achieving performance goals.
Ozone addition
Ozone gas can oxidize contaminants directly or through the
formation of hydroxyl radicals. Like peroxide, ozone reactions are most
effective in systems with acidic pH. The oxidation reaction proceeds with
extremely fast, pseudo first order kinetics. Due to ozone’s high
reactivity and instability, O3 is produced onsite, and it
requires closely spaced delivery points (e.g., air sparging wells).
In situ decomposition of the ozone can lead to beneficial
oxygenation and biostimulation.
Oxidation using liquid hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
in the presence of native or supplemental ferrous iron (Fe+2)
produces Fenton’s Reagent which yields free hydroxyl radicals (OH-).
These strong, nonspecific oxidants can rapidly degrade a variety of
organic compounds. Fenton’s Reagent oxidation is most effective under
very acidic pH (e.g., pH 2 to 4) and becomes ineffective under moderate to
strongly alkaline conditions. The reactions are extremely rapid and follow
second-order kinetics.
The reaction stoichiometry of
permanganate (typically provided as liquid or solid KMnO4, but
also available in Na, Ca, or Mg salts) in natural systems is complex. Due
to its multiple valence states and mineral forms, Mn can participate in
numerous reactions. The reactions proceed at a somewhat slower rate than
the previous two reactions, according to second order kinetics. Depending
on pH, the reaction can include destruction by direct electron transfer or
free radical advanced oxidation—permanganate reactions are effective
over a pH range of 3.5 to 12.
DSERTS Code: N13 (Chemical Reduction/Oxidation).
The rate and extent of degradation of a target COC are
dictated by the properties of the chemical itself and its susceptibility
to oxidative degradation as well as the matrix conditions, most notably,
pH, temperature, the concentration of oxidant, and the concentration of
other oxidant-consuming substances such as natural organic matter and
reduced minerals as well as carbonate and other free radical scavengers.
Given the relatively indiscriminate and rapid rate of reaction of the
oxidants with reduced substances, the method of delivery and distribution
throughout a subsurface region is of paramount importance. Oxidant
delivery systems often employ vertical or horizontal injection wells and
sparge points with forced advection to rapidly move the oxidant into the
Permanganate is relatively more stable and relatively more
persistent in the subsurface; as a result, it can migrate by diffusive
processes. Consideration also must be given to the effects of oxidation on
the system. All three oxidation reactions can decrease the pH if the
system is not buffered effectively. Other potential oxidation-induced
effects include: colloid genesis leading to reduced permeability;
mobilization of redox-sensitive and exchangeable sorbed metals; possible
formation of toxic byproducts; evolution of heat and gas; and biological
The following factors may
limit the applicability and effectiveness of chemcial oxidation include:
Requirement for handling large quantities of
hazardous oxidizing chemicals due to the oxidant demand of the target
organic chemicals and the unproductive oxidant consumption of the
Some COCs are resistant to oxidation.
There is a potential for process-induced detrimental
effects. Further research and development is ongoing to advance the
science and engineering of in situ chemical oxidation and to
increase its overall cost effectivenes.
Data Needs:
Engineering of in
situ chemical oxidation must be done with due attention paid to
reaction chemistry and transport processes. It is also critical that close
attention be paid to worker training and safe handling of process
chemicals as well as proper management of remediation wastes. The design
and implementation process should rely on an integrated effort involving
screening level characterization tests and reaction transport modeling,
combined with treatability studies at the lab and field scale.

| Performance Data:
In situ
chemical oxidation is a viable remediation technology for mass reduction
in source areas as well as for plume treatment. The potential benefits of in
situ oxidation include the rapid and extensive reactions with various
COCs applicable to many bio-recalcitrant organics and subsurface
environments. Also, in situ chemical oxidation can be tailored to a
site and implemented with relatively simple, readily available equipment.
Some potential limitations exist including the requirement for handling
large quantities of hazardous oxidizing chemicals due to the oxidant
demand of the target organic chemicals and the unproductive oxidant
consumption of the formation; some COCs are resistant to oxidation; and
there is a potential for process-induced detrimental effects. Further
research and development is ongoing to advance the science and engineering
of in situ chemical oxidation and to increase its overall cost
| Cost:
No costs figures are currently available.
| References:
2000.Ground Water Currents, December 2000, Issue No. 41:
Current Issue: Interagency
Demonstrations on DNAPL Conducted at Cape Canaveral
2000.Ground Water Currents, September 2000, Issue No. 37:
Current Issue: In
Situ Chemical Oxidation for Remediation of Contaminated Soil and
Ground Water
MTBE Treatment
Case Studies presented by the USEPA Office of Underground Storage
Guide to Documenting and
Managing Cost and Performance Information for Remediation Projects -
Revised Version, October, 1998, EPA 542-B-98-007
of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4, June 2000,EPA
Photochemical Oxidation - Abstract, EPA/625/R-98/004
EPA, 1988, Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and
Feasibility Studies under CERCLA, OSWER- 9355.3-01, Washington, DC
Site Information:

Points of Contact:
General FRTR Agency Contacts
Technology Specific Web Sites:
Government Web Sites
Non Government Web Sites

Vendor Information:
A list of vendors offering In
Situ Physical/Chemical Soil Treatment is available from EPA
REACH IT which combines information from three established EPA databases,
the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT),
the Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System (Vendor
FACTS), and the Innovative Treatment Technologies (ITT), to give users access to
comprehensive information about treatment and characterization technologies and
their applications.
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Health and Safety:
Hazard Analysis
