In addition to the general data requirements discussed in Subsection 2.2.2, it may
be necessary to know other subsurface information to remediate
inorganics in ground water, surface water, and leachate. Treatability
studies are usually necessary to ensure that the contaminated
ground water can be treated effectively at the design flow. A subsurface
geologic characterization would be particularly important to
characterize the effects of adsorption and other processes of
attenuation. Ground water models are also often needed to
predict flow characteristics, changes in contaminant mixes and
concentrations, and times to reach action levels.
Precipitation, filtration, and ion exchange are widely used ex
situ treatment technologies for inorganics in ground water and
are discussed in the following paragraphs. In situ treatment
technologies are used less frequently.
The combination of precipitation/flocculation
and sedimentation is a well-established technology for the
removal of metals from ground water. This technology pumps ground
water through extraction wells and then treats it to precipitate
lead and other heavy metals. Typical removal of metals employs
precipitation with hydroxides, carbonates, or sulfides. Hydroxide
precipitation with lime or sodium hydroxide is the most common
choice. Generally, the precipitating agent is added to water in a
rapid-mixing tank along with flocculating agents such as alum,
lime, and/or various iron salts. This mixture then flows to a
flocculation chamber that agglomerates particles, which are then
separated from the liquid phase in a sedimentation chamber. Other
physical processes, such as filtration, may follow.
Metal sulfides exhibit significantly lower solubility than
their hydroxide counterparts, achieve more complete
precipitation, and provide stability over a broad pH range. At a
pH of 4.5, sulfide precipitation can achieve the EPA-recommended
standard for potable water. Sulfide precipitation, however, can
be considerably more expensive than hydroxide precipitation, as a
result of higher chemical costs and increased process complexity;
also, there are safety concerns associated with the possibility
of H2S emissions. The precipitated metals would be
handled in a manner similar to contaminated soils. The
supernatant would be discharged to a nearby stream, a POTW, or
recharged to upstream of the site aquifer. Selection of the most
suitable precipitant or flocculent, optimum pH, rapid mix
requirements, and most efficient dosages is determined through
laboratory jar test studies.
Filtration isolates
solid particles by running a fluid stream through a porous
medium. The driving force is either gravity or a pressure
differential across the filtration medium. Pressure
differentiated filtration techniques include separation by
centrifugal force, vacuum, or positive pressure. The chemicals
are not destroyed; they are merely concentrated, making
reclamation possible. Parallel installation of double filters is
recommended so ground water extraction or injection pumps do not
have to stop operating when filters backwashed.
Ion exchange is a
process whereby the toxic ions are removed from the aqueous phase
in an exchange with relatively innocuous ions (e.g., NaCl) held
by the ion exchange material. Modern ion exchange resins consist
of synthetic organic materials containing ionic functional groups
to which exchangeable ions are attached. These synthetic resins
are structurally stable and exhibit a high exchange capacity.
Other types of ion exchange materials include clays, zeolites,
and peat derivatives. They can be tailored to show selectivity
towards specific ions. The exchange reaction is reversible and
concentration-dependent; the exchange resins are regenerable for
reuse. The regeneration step leads to a 2 to10% wastestream that
must be treated separately.
All metallic elements present as soluble species, either
anionic or cationic, can be removed by ion exchange. A practical
influent upper concentration limit for ion exchange is about
2,000 mg/L. A higher concentration results in rapid exhaustion of
the resin and inordinately high regeneration costs.