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Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix E.2 Synopses of Federal Demonstrations of Innovative Site Remediation Technologies (Third edition, August 1993)
Table of Contents


This publication (EPA/542/B-93/009) was prepared under the auspices of the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR). This organization was created to establish a process for applied hazardous waste site remediation technology information exchange, to consider cooperative efforts of mutual interest, and to develop strategies and analyze remedial problems that would benefit from the application of innovative technologies.

This collection of abstracts describes field demonstrations of innovative technologies to treat hazardous waste at contaminated sites. The collection is intended to be an information resource for hazardous waste site project managers who are assessing the availability and viability of innovative technologies for treating contaminated ground water, soils, and sludge. It also is intended to assist government agencies in coordinating ongoing hazardous waste remediation technology research initiatives, particularly those sponsored by EPA, DOD, DOE, and DOI. Innovative technologies, for the purposes of this compendium, were defined as those for which detailed performance and cost data were not readily available.

The demonstrations discussed in this document were all sponsored by EPA, DOD, DOE, and DOI. In total, 112 demonstrations in six different technology categories are described. These demonstrations involve the use of innovative technologies to treat soil and ground water. Only federally sponsored studies and demonstrations that have tested innovative remedial technologies with site-specific wastes under realistic conditions as a part of large pilot- or full-scale field demonstrations are included.

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