As of July 2020, the content of this old version has been replaced with a new version.
Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix E.3 Accessing Federal Data Bases for Contaminated Site Clean-up Technologies
Table of Contents


The FRTR developed this publication (EPA/542/B-95/005) to provide information on accessing federal data bases that contain data on innovative remediation technologies. The profiles contained in this edition were identified through a review of reports, articles, and publications by FRTR member agencies and telephone interviews with data base experts. Roundtable members include EPA, DOD, DOE, and DOI. In addition, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) participates in FRTR meetings.

This document is a reference tool that provides information on those systems maintaining data on remedial technologies. It may be used by project managers as a pointer to repositories of technical information, or as a source of contacts that may be useful to future system design. Each data base profile contains information on data elements, system uses, hardware and software requirements, and access. The profiles also contain contacts for each system. A matrix showing system characteristics of the data bases and a table summarizing information contained in the data base profiles are provided.

"Accessing Federal Data Bases for Contaminated Site Clean-up Technologies" (EPA/542/B-95/005) is downloadable from EPA CLU-IN home page:

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